Educomp Smart Classes
Educomp Smart Class (CTS), the latest development of technology helps our children to understand the concepts in a way that they have never understood before.

Science Lab
To help the young minds grow with full power, enthusiasm and energy for new innovations and inventions, classroom has become a centre of various laboratories.

Computer Lab
The school has a well maintained computer lab. All the machines are networked and has access to internet. This computer lab provides fast and easy access to vast amount of information in a variety of formats.

School Library
A well stocked library is provided to the young minds to broaden their horizons. Latest books on various subjects and a good number of magazines are available based on the subjects taught.

Karate Classes
Karate classes are conducted for kids for recreation and self defence. We ensure that, our students explore and persue new objectives and goals to promote a strong self discipline.
Foreign Language Classes
In this era of globalization, when the world is coming together, students must know some foreign languages. To cater to this need we provide German and French classes to the interested students.
School Counseling Centre
The school offers the facility of a counseling centre, which serves two purposes. It provides our student career counseling and remedial guidance. The counselor gives to the students basic guidance on all aspects of life, and provides information about the various avenues, to enable them to determine their aptitude and make right decisions in the choice of a career.
Enrichment Resource Centre
The school offers the facility of an enrichment resource centre which acts as a support system to the classroom teaching enabling children to cope better with their surroundings. Also facility for special IEP's (Individual Education Programme) is provided for Children lagging behind academically.
Physical Education
We stress on the holistic education of the child. The child is encouraged to participate in various sports and physical activities to ensure a healthy body for a healthy mind. A huge playground with Basket ball, Squash, Lawn Tennis, Volley Ball and skating rink has been provided and best coaches are made available for proper training.
Value Education
In this forever progressing world, the values and morals are fast annihilating from children's ken. In order to manifest their importance, we have introduced value education in our curriculum. For all classes, value education is imparted.
Cultural Activities
English Valley Public School does not allow creativity to be stifled by the regimen of academics. There are numerous cultural activities planned systematically and imaginatively throughout the year. These allow every child to participate freely in debates, elocution competitions, declamations, quizzes, art competitions, plays, music and dance competitions and prizes are awarded to winners.
Activity Centre
Specialized activity rooms have been created to enhance the overall development of a child's personality. They focus on the intellectual, conceptual, physical, social and emotional development of the child.
School Clinic
The school clinic is looked after by a qualified doctor on a routine schedule. Medical check-up of students is done and a record is maintained. Parents are informed if the doctor finds that a child needs special attention.